Thunderdome in California – Starting 2012

Posted: December 3, 2012 by ShortTimer in California, Crime, Economics, Government, Music
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Via the American Interest:

Thunderdome in California?

Things are getting worse in San Bernardino. The city filed for bankruptcy earlier this year, but its financial situation has continued to deteriorate. And now with what promises to be a heated court battle over payments to the state pension fund in the offing, further cuts are likely.

Things are getting so bad that at a recent city council meeting, the city attorney advised residents to “lock their doors and load their guns” because the city could no longer afford to keep up a strong enough police force.

Aw yeah…

As money gets tight, cities have to choose between paying pensioners or paying for vital services. If California’s courts rule for the pensioners, they’ll be forcing a harsh reality on San Bernardino’s residents. Fighting for scraps in the ruins of a higher civilization?

Tupac called it for 2095 (not to say didn’t start earlier), and Rammstein called the apocalyptic beach party for 2012.


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