Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

The Horrors of Deportation To Mexico

Posted: April 22, 2017 by ShortTimer in Crime, Humor, Illegal Immigration, Media

Delightful sarcasm from Sargon.

Quite entertaining to see someone from across the pond objectively fisk some Al Jazeera leftist propaganda about deportation.

First off, via Breitbart:

Immigration activists are pushing for illegal immigrants to be granted the right to vote in New York City and say legislation to that effect could be introduced later this year.

The New York Postreports that a proposal to extend voting rights to illegal immigrants, allowing them to vote in elections for city-wide offices, was highlighted at a Black and Latino Legislative Caucus event.

“We want to expand the right to vote for everybody, not suppress the vote. What a radical idea,” Bertha Lewis, head of the Black Institute, said according to the Post. The Post notes she said they expect such legislation to be introduced in the spring.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has made extensive efforts on behalf of illegal immigrants, including offering a city identification card. According to the Post, Lewis said she sees the extension of voting rights as part of that effort.

It is a pretty radical idea to be expanding the right of sovereign franchise to determine one’s representatives and government to people who are not citizens of the country and not even in the country legally.

Of course it’s part of the plan.  Disenfranchise American citizens who’d vote against people who’d take their rights away and bring in more people who will vote how the leftist collectivists desire so they can finally get rid of the real problems in America – because the root cause of all those problems are Americans.

And from National Review:

I attended a hearing on Monday afternoon before District of Columbia federal district court Judge Richard J. Leon that was one of the most “extraordinary” federal court hearings I have ever attended, to use Judge Leon’s description of the case. The hearing was over the temporary restraining order (TRO) and preliminary injunction (PI) being sought by the League of Women Voters and a host of other leftist groups to stop the recent decision of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to allow Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, and Arizona to enforce their proof-of-citizenship voter-registration requirement.

This morning, as I predicted would happen in an article on Sunday, the U.S. Justice Department took a dive and filed a pleading in which it not only failed to defend the actions of the EAC, but agreed with the plaintiffs and consented to both a TRO and a PI. Judge Leon called the pleading “unprecedented” and “extraordinary.” He said he had never seen such a document in his entire experience as a lawyer or a judge. He was obviously astonished that the Justice Department was not defending the agency, and it was soon clear he was not going to allow DOJ to just roll over.

The League of Women Voters, which has a wonderfully innocuous name, is pushing to oppose proof-of-citizenship as a voter registration requirement.  There’s no conceivable reason why they’d want to do this unless they want noncitizens to illegally vote.

The judge issued orders just before the hearing started granting the motions of both the State of Kansas and the Public Interest Legal Foundation to intervene in the case in order to defend the EAC’s position. So Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State of Kansas, was given time to argue against the TRO motion, as was Christian Adams of PILF. The judge opened the hearing by reading into the record an astonishing letter he had just received from the chair of the EAC, Christie McCormick. It informed the court that DOJ had told the EAC that it would not defend the agency, and that it would not allow the EAC to hire its own counsel. McCormick informed the judge that she believed DOJ was not fulfilling its duty and obligation to defend the EAC and had a potential conflict of interest.

It was clear that Judge Leon was shocked at what DOJ had done. While he gave the plaintiffs 20 minutes to argue their case, he gave the lawyer from the Federal Programs Branch of DOJ only five minutes because he said that DOJ was obviously on the same side as the plaintiffs. He also said almost immediately that he would not grant a PI without a complete briefing and arguments on the case — despite DOJ wanting to consent to the PI. Judge Leon made clear that there was “no chance at all — zero” that he would do what the plaintiffs and the Justice Department wanted him to do on that issue.

Let that sink in.  The DOJ, which is charged with enforcing the law, is on the same side of this as people actively trying to circumvent the law.

We’ve known the Obama DOJ has been a political organ dedicated to the ends of the hard left since they covered up Fast & Furious, but this is the DOJ outright defending voter fraud – the same voter fraud the left will try to tell you doesn’t really exist.

Judge Leon talked about all of the cases in which the Federal Programs Branch has been involved in his courtroom, and said he had never seen the type of incomplete brief that DOJ had filed in this case. He said that those briefs “usually cover the waterfront” in terms of raising every legal argument to defend an agency. Leon was very dismissive of the DOJ’s position, its behavior, and its failure to mount a defense consistent with its usual practice. Secretary of State Kobach did a much better job than the plaintiffs in explaining why the plaintiffs had not met the standards for the issuance of a TRO. Kobach pointed out the many errors and mistakes made by the plaintiffs’ lawyer. And he laid out the evidence of noncitizens registering and voting in Kansas — which is why this proof-of-citizenship law is needed.

There is a crystal clear example of why proof of citizenship laws are needed, because noncitizens are illegally voting in elections.  And to this, the DOJ responded:

It was clear that this hearing did not go the way the plaintiffs’ lawyers and DOJ had tried to arrange it to go. They thought the fix was in. In fact, it went so badly, particularly with DOJ being called on the carpet by Judge Leon, that at the end when the plaintiffs’ lawyer got up to try to repair all the holes that Kobach had knocked in their case, the lawyer tried to compare the EAC action to Nazi Germany. He waved the EAC opinion at issue in the air and said “this is what Nazis do behind closed doors!” You know a lawyer is desperate when he tries to equate a dispute over an election administration issue to Nazi Germany.

How bad is it exactly when asking that people who are eligible to vote be asked to prove they are eligible to vote since there are people illegally voting?

And how far have we fallen as a country when the Department of Justice is out saying that any state that wants to abide by elections law, when it has evidence of ongoing illegal voting and states demanding justice, will instead call them Nazis?

Ezra Levant points out the problems Sweden has acquired as they’ve welcomed a swarm of immigrants who do not share their values at all.

“They are so liberal that they’ve welcomed in a half million illiberal people.”


There are still brain-dead liberals, possibly infected with white/western guilt to the degree that they really feel justified in inflicting suffering on their own communities.  They see the world as either oppressors or victims, and with their modern leftist guilt over being successful, they feel they that their nation must’ve been the oppressor and so they must kowtow to immigrants who don’t share the values of their nations.

The really disturbing thing is that somewhat like the Rotherham rape case that Ezra Levant’s video mentions – it’s painfully politically incorrect to discuss rejecting unwanted refugees, and so goes without being discussed by most people.

In the US, we have the advantage of being a nation that in ideal is united by creed and dedication to founding documents.  We’re a nation of ideas, not a nation of an ethnicity.  If you’re from the US, you can be any color and have any history – and as the ideal you’re an American citizen due to virtues.

If you’re an Irish citizen, in all probability you’re Irish by race, ethnicity, and blood.  If you’re a Spanish citizen, you’re probably Spanish by race, ethnicity, and blood.  Same for most nations.  Wars in Europe, and in fact most of the world, are often fought over one nation-state’s ethnic group having ethnic group members in a neighboring nation-state they feel the need to intervene with; or nation-ethnicities within a nation-state angered about their treatment.

In the US, there’s been such intermixing that it’s not much of an issue.  Those are old world problems we left behind.

That said, the reason so much of the current immigration/illegal immigration issue in Europe is difficult to discuss is that for a nation to reject people coming into their country, it has the optics of an ethnicity-nation rejecting another ethnicity.  It smacks of racism to the European.  If France rejects refugees, it’s very, very easy to say “the French are racist” – just as easy as it is to say the white British Rotherham police are racist when they target non-ethnically-British criminals (regardless of the merits of the case).  Taking in terrorists as refugees is wrong for the French, and allowing men to rape little girls is wrong for the British.  They know it’s wrong – they’re just afraid to say so.

It leads to a consequence where the people who’d like to bring up the issue – that it’s not about race, it’s about the culture and values that those unwanted invaders bring with and how it will change a nation – have a lot of difficulty broaching the subject.

Then of course, there are also some who really are racist ethnic-nationalists.  With the problems that unwanted immigrants bring in – some fall into that camp slowly because they have an actual bone to pick – but they’ve retracted from rational thought and don’t allow themselves to see that the issue isn’t a color or an ethnicity, it’s a behavior and value set that’s incompatible with western values.   Others are eager racists who readily jump on the issue.  And having the racists stacked up in one camp, with brain-dead liberals ideologically blinded to the problems the immigrants they embrace bring in – it’s a narrow path to walk trying to talk sense to both sides.

To the stupid racists – the problem isn’t that those immigrants look different than you – the problem is they hold values different than the rest of your society and they’ll bring their Third World problems to you.  Stop being racist dumbasses.  You’ll alienate actual refugees who would like to hold your nation’s values.

To the actual racists – you’re not superior.

To the leftist idiots – the problem is that those immigrants hold illiberal values antithetical to the freedoms you espouse – they’re not weak children in need of protecting, they’re individuals with agency of their own and they’re using you for the stupid handouts you’ve guilted your people into taxing themselves for.  Every time you tell off the regular right in your nation* you end up reinforcing the idea that you want to bring in people to harm your nation – and you drive more people to become stupid racists.  The racists say you’re committing (insertcolorhere) genocide, when you’re really killing off all the positives of your society – they equate ethnicity/race with good values because you leftists keep bringing in shitbags from the Third World with tyrannical ideologies who hate your nation and that’s their stupid simple answer.  When you invite people in who want to murder gays and treat women as property, you are not helping anyone be more free.  When you say that’s their culture and let them beat their wives, have forced marriages between little girls and old men, and bash your gays, you’re not worldly and sophisticated, you’re enabling monsters to terrorize your nation.  You’ve become so open minded your brains have fallen out.

To the ideological true believer leftists – you’re going to implode your own society and no matter how much you think that’s a “good thing” because you’re so self-loathing, anything you actually do like about your nation will also go with it.  You probably won’t understand how destructive you really are, and you won’t get it until you find out that all your machinations have led to the new powers you helped install deciding that you’re a problem that needs to be dealt with.  After the revolution, there’s no more need for revolutionaries.

And yes, I’m calling out you on the left a lot more, because you leftists have to be retaught lessons that even the asshole racists still understand.  You don’t starve your own kid to feed someone else if you want to continue living – even if it’s somehow noble, that noble act dies with you and your kid, because that person you saved who survives doesn’t have the same worldview as you at all – they’re using you.  Their ideology views you as someone to be conquered and destroyed, and you’re helping them do it while patting yourself on the back for embracing diversity.

You can discriminate between values that people hold and whether those values are good or bad.  Start learning to judge things that need to be judged, because taking paths with your eyes intentionally closed and intentionally rejecting concerned directions from people with their eyes open trying to help means you’re liable to walk off a cliff.


*Noting that the right in Europe are traditionalists usually believing in ethnicity=nation to some degree; and the right in Europe being so far ideologically left that it’s worlds apart from the US’s concepts.

This is a truck driver’s dashcam as he drives through a mob – a mob that it should be noted is trying to pull his truck open and climb in so they can get to England.

A news report from the same place in Calais:

You won’t see any of those “widows and orphans” that Obama’s always crying about.  This is a swarm of fighting-age males.

At around the 3:30 mark in the Channel 4 video, the reporter notes that the mob is also bringing with scabies infections.  Wonderful.

Another truck attack, with some interesting commentary… and again, virtually no women or children to be seen:

The commenter there points out that the welfare system of Britain is attracting them.

Can the states reject them?  Judge says legally “no”, and says if you offer any services or welfare to anyone, you have to offer it to everyone – including aliens and refugees.

The Judge also points out that last time Obama tried to dump “refugees” on states, he’s been held up in courts.  Problem with that is that the illegal aliens from those groups – the imported teenager “children” swarms from Central America – are still here, and the longer they stay, the harder it is to remove them.  Since the 1960s or so when Ted Kennedy was part of a movement to create chain migration – the idea of working with “families” in a touchy-feely way that was intended to garner sympathy and import Democrat voters – the immigration system hasn’t been about what’s good for the country, it’s been about what’s good for Democrats who have been able to manipulate the laws over and over.

The 50,000 interpreters from Iraq and Afghanistan that actively helped US forces there aren’t being helped along, in part because Democrats know they’re not going to vote for Democrats (either legally after they get citizenship or illegally when given bus rides from polling place to polling place by ACORN).

The answer to this whole mess from governors is to do exactly what the left has been doing in illegal alien sanctuary cities.  Illegal alien sanctuary cities, like San Francisco, have ignored federal immigration law and have left their citizens at the mercy of illegal aliens who’ve killed American citizens.  Most recently in San Fran was the case of Kathryn Steinle, murdered by an illegal alien criminal who’d been deported multiple times and the city wouldn’t turn in for deportation.  In 2008, again in San Fran, an illegal alien criminal was released by the city and allowed to murder a father and his two sons.

All of those actions by cities are violations of immigration law.  If cities ignore and violate federal law in order to allow citizens to be murdered, it stands to reason that states could just as easily ignore the same federal laws in order to protect citizens from murder.

Via HotAir:

Here’s a piece of cheerful news to brighten your day. We’re going to be needing a new boss at the Border Patrol shortly and while there is nothing written in stone yet, word on the street is that one of the names near the top of the list is that of Heather Fong. While unfamiliar to most of you I’m sure, Heather may ring a bell when you’re reminded that she’s a San Francisco law enforcement figure who was very big on the whole sanctuary city thing. Feel better yet? (Fox News)

A former San Francisco police chief and vocal supporter of a sanctuary cities policy is on a short list of candidates to become the new chief of the Border Patrol, according to sources.

As police chief, Heather Fong shielded illegal immigrants, including aliens who committed crimes, from deportation. In contrast, it is the job of the U.S. Border Patrol to catch and deport all illegal immigrants, including those with a criminal history.

“If they bring (a police chief) in for political purposes based on the sanctuary cities model, that politicizes the job and I think it completely undermines credibility and morale in the organization,” House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, told Fox News.

HotAir adds some more info and backstory, but there’s a simple takeaway from this – 8 USC 1324(a):

(a) Criminal penalties

(A) Any person who—
(i) knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien;
(ii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law;
(iii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;
(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or
(I) engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or
(II) aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts,
shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).

And 8 USC 1327:

Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182(a)(2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony) or 1182(a)(3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

Pretty cut and dried.

People who run sanctuary cities are in violation of federal laws.  Their leaders and their henchmen should be prosecuted.

The Obama administration won’t enforce federal law in this case because of its identity politics and hard leftist ideology, and the Bush Administration didn’t enforce it because of their lazy economic interest, and so on and so forth pretty much back to the Eisenhower administration when law was actually enforced.

Via Gateway Pundit:

A high profile open borders activist was nearly killed in Dresden. He was attack by six or more Arabs and stabbed in the back outside a Pizzeria. (Stop Hate Crimes)

**Julius has protested the PEGIDA anti-immigrant invasion movement, and campaigned for illegal alien rights.

No doubt, Julius still supports the migrant invasion of Germany. reported:

A pro-migrant, open borders activist is reported to be “very sad” after being stabbed twice in the back by a gang of “Arabs” as he stood outside a pizzeria in Dresden, east Germany.

Twenty-nine year old ‘Julius G.’ involved himself in political activism while reading his degree in industrial engineering Technical University of Dresden. Now he may have fallen victim to his own politics, as the refugee advocate was attacked while waiting for friends in Dresden’s Neustadt, known as the city’s ‘left wing’, or ‘alternative’ quarter.  …

The student didn’t think the motivation was robbery, as nothing was taken after the stabbing.

This sounds a bit familiar.

The Democrat Moran didn’t get a brain after getting hit at 60mph by an illegal, and neither will this German clown.

There’s something intrinsic about the open-borders self-hating burn-the-west redistributor leftists on both sides of the pond that make them really feel they deserve crimes inflicted on them by illegals and “migrants”.

Julius G. was “sad”, just like Democrat Moran.  Democrat Moran, despite being hit by an illegal alien wearing a mariachi outfit, no less, said this afterwards:

I know this is a tough issue that we’re dealing with and as you probably know I have been and will continue to be pro immigrant and some cases even pro illegal immigrant. And it would be politically expedient for me at this point in time to change that. That should give you some indication of my commitment to immigration and immigrants to tell you that even after being hit by one I will continue to advocate for immigrants and their rights as citizens of this country.

He’s advocating for illegal aliens having “rights as citizens”, which they don’t, because they aren’t.

Julius G. was “sad” because his ideology won’t let him see that the people trying to stop the surge of immigration into Germany would’ve kept him from getting stabbed and left to die, and his ideology is to inflict those same wounds on his countrymen, regardless of what they want… same as Moran.

And just to further illustrate this, there are activists who’ve been raped by the “migrants” they’re trying to support, only to be silenced so as “not to damage the cause”:

A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”

Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.

The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when the atrocity occurred, according to reports from local papers La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX, and now reported in the major Italian national Corriere Della Serra.

One Saturday night, as loud music played at a nearby party, the woman was reportedly trapped in a shower block set up near the camp in a pine forest know as Red Leap.

A gang of African migrants allegedly raped her there, and her cries for help are said to have gone unheard because of the music.

La Stampa reports that the woman, around 30 years of age, would have reported the horrific crime were if not for her fellow left-wing activists, who convinced her that if the truth got out it could damage their utopian dream of a world without borders.

But Corriere Della Serra also reports that some of her fellow activists are now accusing the woman of reporting the rape out of “spite,” because her group was withdrawn from the camp following a separate controversy.

Maybe she should’ve said they were a lacrosse team, or that they were gamers.  Then she might have been listened to.

European woman against third world illegal migrants?  Looks like her fellow left-wing activists consulted the progressive stack and told her to “check her privilege”.

Via Legal Insurrection, Obama says Republicans are the same as Iranians chanting “Death To America” because Obama logic.

“Just because Iranian hard-liners chant ‘death to America’ does not mean that that’s what all Iranians believe,” Obama said to strong applause from the audience.

“In fact, it’s those hard-liners who are most comfortable with the status quo,” Obama said Wednesday afternoon. “It’s those hard-liners chanting “death to America” who have been most opposed to the deal.”

“They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus,” Obama said to laughter and wild applause.

Just like how a toothless deal that lets Iran have nuclear weapons means Iran won’t have nuclear weapons.  Because you’re racist or something.

Speaking of the Iran deal, why are we doing that anyway?

A reminder about presidential candidate Jeb Bush and what he thinks of illegal aliens breaking into the country with their first steps as violation of laws:

Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s an act of love.

Some people love money.  We call them bank robbers.

Some people love hurting people.

2015 was predicted to be another high-level year of illegal aliens showing upwhich has proven to be true, but it’s more easily hidden due to infrastructure built up last year, and it is slightly less than last year.

Via HotAir, a footnote to #gamergate from August, that a debate was broken up by bomb threats deemed credible enough to evacuate.

Apparently several calls had been made to the Miami PD and Miami Herald indicating that a bomb would go off at 2:45 PM, and though apprised that this has happened before to #GamerGate, the authorities weren’t taking any chances.  They sent everyone back a couple blocks and cleared the entire neighborhood surrounding the venue.

Stuck standing outside in the 96 degree Miami heat, suddenly the journalists present were extremely interested in what #GamerGate had to say, and many of them were seen giving interviews there on the street.

Playboy magazine has decided to drop full nudity.

Can’t help but wonder if it’s at least peripherally related to the Army & Air Force dropping “adult sophisticate” magazines including Playboy in 2013.

ana cheri blow kissAdieu, Cheri.

Whole lotta stuff to go back and note.  Hopefully not too jumbled up, just going through stories of interest from the last couple weeks.

Birthright citizenship was recently the subject of no small amount of discussion – especially how exploitation of jus soli “the law of place” meant that anchor babies are a viable means of getting into the US.  First off – it costs the US taxpayers and existing US citizens a huge amount of money.  Ultimately the reason you have a country is because it’s either bonds of ethnic kinship (for most of the world) or bonds of creed (for the US – ideally – and a handful of other nations).  You joined together to take care of your own first, then depending on the nature of your country, help others as you see fit.  Not put yourself at a disadvantage to someone who breaks in to your home.

In 2003 in Stockton, California, 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in San Joaquin General Hospital’s maternity ward were anchor babies, and 45 percent of Stockton children under age six are Latino (up from 30 percent in 1993). In 1994, 74,987 anchor babies in California hospital maternity units cost $215 million and constituted 36 percent of all Medi-Cal [California’s Medicaid program] births. Now [2005] they account for substantially more than half.

The article goes on to mention how once they hit 18, they bring in family.  That was intended back when immigration laws were modified in the 1960s.  Democrats saw their opportunity to bring in low-skilled, low-wage labor that would gravitate towards their pandering and handouts.  Ted Kennedy was no small part of the push for it as well.

Ho brings up some points, but also misses some:

We begin, of course, with the text of the Citizenship Clause. To be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. is simply to be subject to the authority of the U.S. government.

And with a simple policy and interpretation change, that could go away.  Someone who’s illegally in the country wasn’t inspected by an immigration official and can be considered to have border nexus and even being on “the functional equivalent of the border” definition could be moved to apply to them – meaning they wouldn’t legally be in the country because they weren’t allowed in, even if they were physically in the country by breaking in.  They’re not subject to the jurisdiction of the US government – they’re simply here illegally.

The law has two terms for people who come to the country – immigrant and non-immigrant.  The definitions are pretty lame, with non-immigrant being someone who comes in on a non-immigrant visa, and immigrant being anyone else.  Take away the idea the word immigrant from illegal aliens and you have someone who’s not blurring the lines between legal immigrants and illegals.  It also gives room for returning to “subject to the jurisdiction” of the US – which was originally written to exclude Native American tribes who were on US soil but not US citizens, because they were considered members of other nations.

Go back to illegal aliens being members of their own foreign nations, and the problem is solved.  No more anchor babies, and those poor aliens can be repatriated to their ancestral homelands to once again share in the bounty of success of their rich, diverse cultures.

An Alabama detective feared being labeled racist… so he let himself get roughed up.  When the choice is between temporary pain of a whooping and the longer term legal suffering and targeting that comes with the charge of wrongthink by the media especially when you’re innocent, it’s probably better to just get roughed up.

Instead of following policy to try to get the man back in the car, the officer says he hesitates. It’s just enough time police say for 34-year-old Janard Cunningham to sucker punch the officer, knocking him unconscious. He then allegedly takes the officer’s gun and uses it to pistol whip him.

From Bob Owens at Bearing Arms:

This is the world that the criminal-coddling, police-hating mainstream media hath wrought…

There’s no small amount of irony in CNN reporting this story, and the attack’s callous aftermath, which saw sick criminal supporters take mocking photos of the unconscious officer instead of attempting to help him. After all, they’ve done so much to fan the flames of discord that have bought us to this point, with their serially dishonest portrayal of lawful self-defense shootings by police officers and citizens alike…

And this is the world that the police hating mainstream media hath wrought…

Miles is accused of killing Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, in northwest Harris County. Investigators say Deputy Goforth had worked an accident scene at around 8:30pm, then went to a gas station on Telge and West Road. As he was pumping gas, detectives say Miles approached Deputy Goforth from behind, said nothing and fired multiple shots. Once he fell to the ground, authorities say Miles fired more shots at the deputy. Deputy Goforth was pronounced dead at the scene.

It’s not yet a return to the bad old days of the 70s as far as the violence goes, but the rhetoric and justification for the violence by the leftist media is certainly at a fever pitch.

Meanwhile, in Waller County, TX:

Armed-Black-Panthers-in-Waller 150812

WALLER COUNTY, Texas — A group of armed members of the New Black Panther Party marched on the Waller County Jail Wednesday afternoon chanting “The revolution is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!” The group of about fifteen Black Panthers exercised their First and Second Amendment rights. The group was met in Waller County by a large contingent of Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies.

It went peacefully, mostly because it was a standoff, and because when you’re chanting “kill the cops” in front of them, if you do something stupid you’re going to get mowed down.

First off, I’m supportive of them exercising their First and Second Amendment rights.  An armed society is a polite society – presence of arms kept both sides from acting the fool because both sides knew the consequences of their actions.  But I don’t think it’s terribly productive to protest someone while armed saying “we want to kill you”.  Not exactly from the pages of Dale Carnegie’s books.

I’ve said it before with regards to gun control in California – no small part of that state’s slide into draconian laws was done as a response to a Black Panther march on Sacramento that scared the white people in power.  Everybody lost for that.  It was a loss for the average citizen who committed no crime but lost a right, it was a loss to the CA government and the Panthers because it ended discourse and started a backlash by the power structure.  The grievance wasn’t really heard when a threat was made.

Same goes here.  If you don’t chant “die pigs die” (yes, it’s only reported they said “off the pigs” but it’s the same thing), you might get a better response.  Sling your arms like Open Carry Texas does and have the same march without the death threats and you’ll get a much better response.  The action also further illustrates the hypocrisy of the left – if a group decided to protest other government officials with “off the ____” – making threats against higher elected officials (especially Democrats), they’d be jumped on by the FBI so fast their heads would spin.

This is a lot more effective display anyway – assuming one’s concern is about lives:

his life matters 150814That turns down rhetoric and shows a desired goal of racial/ethnic harmony.  Of course, that’s assuming one believes that groups like #blacklivesmatter (apparently run by white leftists) actually give a crap about any lives and aren’t just pushing for their own hard left political angle.

The effects of that kind of ramping up of hate and distrust of local/state authorities is a good way to build up more demands for federalizing the police and controlling everything from DC.  The answer is always more power for those who want even more power.

It’s also why the “police acted stupidly” with the professor, why “if I had a son he’d look like Trayvon”, etc., is always the first thing the pres says, while at the federal level, anyone who questions Eric Holder about the Obama ATF sending guns to narcoterrorist cartels is racist because Eric Holder is black.  (And to the Obama administration, Mexican lives don’t matter unless they’re illegally in the US voting for Democrats).

It’s also how people started making excuses for a narcissist news reporter murderer:

Revenge race murder: Bitter black reporter who gunned down white ex-colleagues live on air and posted the video online blames Charleston shootings and anti-gay harassment in manifesto

…he professes a deep respect for other mass shooters like Virginia Tech gunman Seung-Hui Cho.

‘Also, I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin’.

He goes on to say that he has faced both racial and sexual discrimination as a black, gay man and that he was just waiting to explode.

‘Yes, it will sound like I am angry…I am. And I have every right to be. But when I leave this Earth, the only emotion I want to feel is peace…’

‘The church shooting was the tipping point…but my anger has been building steadily…I’ve been a human powder keg for a while…just waiting to go BOOM!!!!’

At one point in the manifesto he even confesses to killing his cats in a forest close to where he lives, blaming the news station for the animals’ deaths.

Except that apparently nobody really discriminated against him.  He just blamed other people for his problems.

Flanagan, 41, had ‘a long series of complaints against co-workers nearly from the beginning of employment at the TV station,’ said Dennison, now an official with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources.

‘All of these allegations were deemed to be unfounded. And they were largely under along racial lines, and we did a thorough investigation and could find no evidence that anyone had racially discriminated against this man.’

Yeah, no one disliked him because of his skin color or his orientation.  But the media provided and he readily took in a steady stream of toxic “everyone hates you because you’re black/gay/something and they’re racists/homophobes/somethinghaters and thus you’re justified in your actions“.

Welcome to the new leftist America, where if someone has a different opinion than you that you find distasteful and against leftism, you can go tell them how to live, and when they tell you to get lost, you can attack them.  And the police.

RACINE, Wis. (AP) – Authorities say a Racine man was arrested after forcing his way inside a home to take down a Confederate flag placed in a window. …

A criminal complaint says a woman and Boatner told police he had politely asked her to remove the flag from her kitchen window Friday, and she moved it to another window.

According to the complaint, both started yelling, and the woman used a racial slur toward Boatner. Authorities say Boatner pushed the woman down and walked into the house to remove the flag. According to authorities, Boatner later argued with police and struggled to avoid being handcuffed.

Sticks and stones will break your bones if you use words that hurt my feelings.

Everything’s Trump these days (rather than Cruz, Walker, or Paul), but a reminder… people hate leftist ideas from Obama but love them from Trump.

By being loud and obnoxious, he’s bringing things to the forefront that sometimes need to be discussed – illegal aliens murdering US citizens, for example.  He’s also getting free airtime that’s being redirected away from better, actually conservative candidates with voting records who weren’t Democrats a couple years ago and didn’t invite Hillary to their weddings.

If you think that “people hate ideas from Obama but love them from Trump” is an exaggeration, consider this:

obama trump health care

My broad opinion of Trump is negative for reasons I listed a couple posts ago, but he is shaking things up.  There is some good in that, and assuming he sticks to his “I won’t run third party” pledge, hopefully he loses the primary and directs his energy more towards Democrats rather than Republicans.  It’d be nice to see him go after Clinton or Obama as tenaciously as he’s gone after Jeb Bush.  Jeb Bush probably deserves it, but Clinton and Obama deserve it even moreso.

And finally, despite being a eulogy, still a story of the success a heroic aviator:

BALTIMORE — Frank E. Petersen Jr., the first black aviator and brigadier general in the Marine Corps, has died.

Frank E. Petersen III said his father died Tuesday at his home in Stevensville, on Maryland’s Kent Island, of complications from lung cancer. He was 83. …

According to a news release on the Marine Corps website, Petersen was commissioned in the Corps in 1952. The Marines say Petersen served in the Korean War in 1953 and Vietnam in 1968. He received the Purple Heart for wounds suffered when he ejected over the demilitarized zone in Vietnam, The Post reported.

During his career, Petersen flew more than 350 combat missions and more than 4,000 hours.

frank e petersen

He, Roy Geiger and Alfred A. Cunningham are probably having a few beers and swapping stories now.

From the Washington Examiner:

Legal and illegal immigrants will hit a record high of 51 million in just eight years and eventually account for an astounding 82 percent of all population growth in America, according to new U.S. Census figures.

If it weren’t for the illegal aliens there, that might not be such a big deal.  If it weren’t for the “legal” immigrants who are just illegal aliens with unconstitutional executive actions applied to them, it also might not be such a big deal.  People coming to the US because they want to be Americans and embrace American principles is a good thing… but millions upon millions of them are simply not – and millions upon millions of them are being targeted as political fodder.

They’re being imported as future lifetime Democrat voters.

President Obama’s amnesty by edict has always been about adding new Democrats to the voter rolls, and recent action by the Department of Homeland Security provides further proof. Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources away from a computer system — the “Electronic Immigration System” — to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.

This effort is part of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.”

Naturalization plus mobilization is the explicit aim of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.” Multiple sources at DHS confirm that political appointees are prioritizing naturalization ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Empirical voting patterns among immigrants from minority communities demonstrate that these new voters will overwhelmingly vote for Democrat candidates.  If the empirical rates of support for Democrats continued among these newly naturalized minority voters, Democrats could enjoy an electoral net benefit of millions of new voters in the 2016 presidential election.

Other DHS sources report that racial interest groups such as La Raza (translated to “The Race”) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association have been playing a central and influential role in rewriting the administration’s immigration policies — both the public policies as well as internal and largely unseen guidelines.

These aren’t people coming in because they want to be your friends and neighbors.  They’re being recruited as the left seeks to displace Americans in favor of aliens who will blindly support leftist policies.

It is part of their plan.

And lastly:

Once the soil has been prepared, the seedlings will arrive. And the seedlings, according to those planning the changes for your city or town, need to be nurtured and cultivated into healthy communities of their own. They will eventually be fully “integrated,” meaning they are firmly established and able to grow within their host community, eventually overtaking the host.

The plans to transform America through immigration, as spelled out in the new White House report, involves almost every government agency working in tandem with community organizers from immigrant-rights groups like National Council for La Raza and the National Partnership for New Americans. The White House task force is headed by Cecilia Munoz, former top executive with La Raza and now Obama’s top domestic policy adviser.

Top executive with the racist organization “The Race” is now his top policy adviser.  Read it again a few times until it sinks in if you need to.

The report is chock full of programs, goals, plans and strategies to build welcoming “receiving communities” and give immigrants all they need to prosper economically, linguistically and politically.

The document is permeated with Orwellian euphemisms, starting with the title, “Strengthening Communities by Welcoming all Residents,” and continuing with its declaration of the “economic benefits of immigrant and refugee integration.”

Critics argue the plan will do the exact opposite, weakening stable communities by delivering a steady dose of low-skilled immigrants who will place a burden on schools and social services. The new arrivals are likely to be seen working as hotel maids, toiling in meat-packing plants, as cashiers at big-box stores, dishwashers or other low-wage jobs that require food stamps, subsidized housing and other forms of government assistance.

Judicial Watch, the Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog organization, predicted Wednesday that cities and counties will be “strong-armed into participating in this immigrant welcoming effort.”

This is also why there are major fights in the courts about illegal aliens, and why deportations of illegals are halted by the Obama administration.  If you can just get them to stay long enough, you can force integration of communities that simply don’t belong – and then you can argue “we can’t deport them” – and thus fundamental transformation of the voting populace is complete.

Democrats become the power, Republicans never again win any election but regional ones, and mindless illiterate illegals who don’t speak the language will be taken by bus from polling station to polling station until the Democrats win.

Cloward and Piven implodes the nation, Democrats win in perpetuity, redistribution commences, the left applauds itself as it destroys the evil that is America, yay for socialism.