Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Mike Lee on the Green New Deal

Posted: March 26, 2019 by ShortTimer in Environmentalism, Humor

Haven’t posted in a while, but too funny not to post.

The Horrors of Deportation To Mexico

Posted: April 22, 2017 by ShortTimer in Crime, Humor, Illegal Immigration, Media

Delightful sarcasm from Sargon.

Quite entertaining to see someone from across the pond objectively fisk some Al Jazeera leftist propaganda about deportation.

Why Y’all mad?

Posted: July 25, 2016 by ShortTimer in Culture, Humor

This video made the rounds a week or so ago, so I’m behind the curve on it.  Finally got around to watching it, and it’s hilarious.

It’s also a wonderful rebuttal of some of the Black Lives Matter talking points in intentionally over-the-top style.  In a rather colorful form, he points out many of the errors of leftist-racial theory and narrative.

In the last couple years or so, leftists who felt they needed yet another front in the culture war attacked the Washington Redskins football team for having a name that white elitist liberal leftist progressives thought was offensive to American Indians (or Amerinds, or Native Americans, or First Nations people, etc.).

A poll conducted last week confirmed what a poll years ago said – only about 1 in 10 are offended.  The vast 90% majority don’t care.

If you know who Don Burnstick is, you would already know this.  White elitist liberal leftist progressives obviously do not.

Don Burnstick is hilarious.  Native friends who’ve seen him live (on a res, no less) said he’s a riot in person.  He started parodying Jeff Foxworthy’s “you might be a redneck” jokes and took the jokes one step further into their own thing.

don burnstick you might be a redskin

Today from Washington Post (via HotAir), there are white elitist liberal leftist progressives who are mad because:

WaPo: Those dumb Indians don’t even know when they’re being insulted

Just days after the Washington Post revealed that 90% of Native Americans don’t find the term “Redskins” to be offensive, the paper’s own editorial board has proclaimed that they know better about racial slurs than the alleged target of said slur.

In a move that illustrates the height of liberal elite arrogance, the Post proclaimed in their Sunday editorial that “A slur, is a slur,” and despite the findings of the poll, they’re still demanding the name of Washington’s NFL team be changed because, in their enlightened understanding of the world, Redskins is racial slur:

    Where does that leave us? We’ve always made clear that we think fans who embrace the name do so without racist feeling or intent. But we also are clear that the term originates in an era when Indians were considered less than human and were often treated accordingly. References to scalping, war whoops and tomahawk chops hark back to that era and perpetuate stereotypes that can be hurtful, especially to Native American children.

Did you get that subtle insinuation that those polled were just too uninformed to know that they’re being insulted?  “(M)ore than half of respondents had heard little or nothing about this controversy,” the Post says, knowingly. They left out the implied, “those dumb Indians,” but we all get the picture.

In the grand scope of things, there are better things to be pissed off about if you’re an American Indian.  You could be pissed off at how tribal governments are run by corrupt cabals, pissed off at how the feds come in and tell you how to run things, pissed off at all the do-gooders who don’t actually help anything but their own sense of smugness, pissed off at the cycles of alcoholism and drug use that plague reservation communities, pissed off at the economic opportunities lost because of layers of government in the way, or just generally pissed off.

Or you could be pissed off about the name of a football team a thousand miles away because some white elitist liberal leftist progressives told you you should be pissed off about it.

Or you could still be pissed off at white elitists from DC knowing what was best for you and forcing you to be disarmed in a massacre over 125 years ago.

From a little while back, but still a funny takedown of the SJW culture taking over campuses:

Finnish Anti-Rape Video PSA – Use the Force

Posted: February 14, 2016 by ShortTimer in Europe, Humor, Middle East

Yesterday’s loss is going to be depressing for some time, even if looking at Scalia’s life as one to celebrate and his sharp arguments as ones to emulate.

So today, as something that’s slightly cheerier, some mocking the stupidity of the left – a Finnish Anti-Rape PSA via the Jawa Report:

Yes, that one’s real.  From its description:

As a response to the exponential increase of Rapes and Gang rapes of Finnish women with the influx of so-called “refugees”, The Finnish Police of Oulu have released a training video for women called “Say No!”. Possession of Pepper spray for women is, like in Sweden where you face up to 6 months in prison, illegal. Any citizen carrying any sort of efficient self defense faces huge fines. The government insists that disarming law abiding Finnish citizens will stop crime – in fact the opposite result has caused devastating effects with crime rate skyrocketing as foreign criminals aren’t particularly concerned with complying with weapon laws. Criminals are armed to the teeth, helpless single women will face prison over carrying pepper spray. In a recent case, a 17 year old girl in Denmark has been sentenced to a fine because she hurt the attacker with illegal pepper spray while he was trying to brutalize and rape her.

According to the Police of the city of over 200,000 inhabitants, the top methods for deterring a rapists is apparently saying “No, please go”, using “The Force” with your oven gloves, looking angry and hitting the rapist with your handbag. This is extraordinarily awful advice coming from the Police, as physical resistance of a disarmed woman usually has terrible consequences and usually amplifies the violence used by much stronger male attackers, especially of foreign origin.

And the parody:

Of course, in Europe light sabers are illegal.

From the ATF’s facebook page (click comments on the link to open it up):

atf facebook & furious 160106

Screenshots and assorted shenanigans here, including an ATF agent telling people to “get off this page”:

atf facebook & furious 160106 get off this page

In for a penny, in for a pound:

atf facebook & furious 160106 cartels


Merry Christmas

Posted: December 24, 2015 by ShortTimer in Humor

If that’s ok…

Merry Christmas, everybody.

It’s from the Duffelblog, a comedy/parody military news site, so it is a made up story, but it’s also pretty much true.  For those who missed the setup, read here about Sgt Maj LeHew discussing the failures of trying to put women into combat roles.  Basically they found out that water is wet, despite trying their damnedest to find the opposite under political pressure.

QUANTICO, Va. — Sgt. Maj. Justin LeHew was notified this week that he will receive an other than honorable discharge from the Marine Corps, sources report, after LeHew recently ruined his career by releasing negative study results instead of destroying them.

LeHew, the Sergeant Major of Marine Corps Training and Education Command, made the career ending move last month, by publicly releasing the methodology and results of a study that found gender-integrated infantry units performed worse than all male ones.

In his publicly-visible Facebook post, LeHew said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus was “way off base” in his comments on women in the infantry, also adding that he was “unfair to women who participated in the study.” Since his remarks, LeHew has been “unavailable for comment,” reportedly chained in the basement of the Commandant’s home, sources say.

“His mistake was announcing facts,” Lt. Gen. Paul K. Van Riper (Ret.) said. “When faced with facts contrary to what the military and Congress wants, the facts must be changed. It’s standard procedure.”

Van Riper was speaking from experience. In 2002 he was the opposing general in the 2002 Millennium Challenge, where he led an inferior foe to victory against American forces. The exercise was started over with rule changes to ensure Van Riper could not win again.

The Millenium Challenge is worth reading about at their link.  While the quotes attributed to Van Riper are made up for humor purposes in the story… the story of the Millenium Challenge is not.

Not all negative results are supressed. A study found that despite an Army Optimism Program, 52 percent of soldiers had low morale. The Army took quick action to solve this problem by lowering the threshold of what it considered an unhappy soldier. Now only 9 percent of soldiers have low morale.

That would be funnier were it not for being basically what’s been done with (as one example) employment numbers by the Obama administration.  Redefine someone who’s unemployed as “no longer participating in the labor force” and then you don’t count them as unemployed.

Climate scientists have discovered a new stage in the scientific method.

1. Make observation
2. Ask a question
3. Develop hypothesis
4. Conduct experiment to test hypothesis
5. Observe results
6. Conclusions
7. Go back to step 5 and adjust data until you get the answers you want
8. Use government authority to prosecute anyone who questions your conclusions and demands

Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to prosecute groups that “have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change.”

If the conclusions were so self-evident, it wouldn’t be necessary to go after dissenters.  There are anti-vaccination advocates throughout Hollywood and the “crunchy” parent circles, something which easily and simply does cause real, immediate harm by rendering the population more susceptible to diseases (one quick example).  No one goes after them… but of course the point isn’t science for the global warmers, the point is internationalist redistribution of wealth and resources – watermelon environmentalism.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.S. government says it will begin using the term “sexual rights” in discussions of human rights and global development.

Not really sure I have much on that one.  I’m sure it will turn into more lectures to Kenyans about how they should run their country.

“On one level, it’s symbolic. It also sends a signal to the global community that sexual and reproductive health and rights are a part of the global development agenda,” Serra Sippel, the center’s president, told The Associated Press. She said it follows “huge strides” made under the Obama administration on LGBT issues.

Yup, now instead of LGBT people in Iraq and Syria hanging out in the closet, they’re being thrown off of roofs.  Real improvement.

Speaking at a meeting of the U.N. women’s agency Tuesday, Richard Erdman, a deputy U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said the United States would use the term “sexual rights” for those that are not legally binding.

“Sexual rights are not human rights, and they are not enshrined in international human rights law; our use of this term does not reflect a view that they are part of customary international law,” he said. “It is, however, a critical expression of our support for the rights and dignity of all individuals regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”

Nevertheless, Sippel described the U.S. decision as “the United States catching up with the rest of the world.”

Not legally binding, not considered human rights, but it’s an expression of support that will agitate a lot of the rest of the world – a lot of the world that the US is not “catching up with” – because most of the world is not very LGBT friendly.  Yay for the SJW finger-wagging.  It will grate on allies and will not make a whit of difference to enemies.

If the objective was to protect the lives of LGBT people in other nations because it were legally binding – say, pushing for nations to not execute gays just because they’re gay – that’d be something else.  Or maybe even a demand to just start with not executing women suspected of adultery, or executing rape victims as adulteresses – those would all be initiatives easy to support  It would be a movement of support for human life.  This is just a slow cultural leftist push designed to devalue traditional structures in other nations, to the point that maybe those pushing for it don’t know what the activists are really having them push for.

Rights don’t come from a UN declaration, either, but that’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the statist mind.

And finally, via ZeroHedge – irony…

orwell irony