Brother’s Keepers Revisited, Obama’s Loneliness

Posted: February 3, 2012 by ShortTimer in Barack Obama, brother's keepers, Humor

Remember this post from a couple years back?

“These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation: that is, that we look out for one another; that is, I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper. And in the wealthiest nation in the world right now we are neglecting to live up to that call.”

– President Barack Hussein Obama, August 2009

Looks like ol’ Barry is revisiting his metaphor there.  And Mark Steyn has a bit to note on that:

“Oh give me a break,” Steyn said on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show on Thursday night. “For a start, when he says, ‘I am my brother’s keeper,’ his brother is back in Kenya living on $12 a year. That’s what he was living on at the time of the 2008 election. So all the president has to do in terms of shared responsibility is put a $10 bill in an envelope and mail it to Nairobi or Mombasa or wherever and he will double his brother’s salary.”

Um, yeah.  We said that back then.

So why isn’t Obama listening.  Oh, that’s right… he doesn’t care… because:

Socialism is for the people, not for the socialist.

– Andrew Wilkow

You need to give to take care of others.  He does not.  His benevolent rule is so grand that you should profusely thank him for his magnanimous blessings he bestows every day simply by choosing to rule you weak, pathetic peons.  Thank the great leader.  Imagine how he must feel, so powerful and so alone.

The Washington Post even talked about how lonely he is:

Obama’s circle of close advisers is as small as the cluster of personal friends that predates his presidency. There is no entourage, no Friends of Barack to explain or defend a politician who has confounded many supporters with his cool personality and penchant for compromise.

Obama is, in short, a political loner who prefers policy over the people who make politics in this country work.

He shall lead you.  You must take care of your brother, for Comrade Obama takes care of us all.

Even Maureen Dowd agrees, lamenting Obama’s long-suffering personal excellence and the burdens of being perfect and having to lead us flawed, weak people:

Despite what his rivals say, the president and the first lady do believe in American exceptionalism — their own, and they feel overassaulted and underappreciated.

We disappointed them.

As Michelle said to Oprah in an interview she did with the president last May: “I always told the voters, the question isn’t whether Barack Obama is ready to be president. The question is whether we’re ready. And that continues to be the question we have to ask ourselves.”

They still believed, as their friend Valerie Jarrett once said, that Obama was “just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

Wow.  I can see how being so superior to us, he wouldn’t have time to take care of his own brother, but could tell us to do so, as he must command the whole world to do his will and make everything perfect for us.  Obama must be so… lonely…

  1. Ha ha ha. Nice post, and great movie reference.


  2. No one seems to mention that “my brothers keeper” was Cain, back talking to God after he killed Abel.

    Never forget that they twist everything backwards, from the socialist side.

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