Sandy Hook Dad: “From My Cold Dead Hands”

Posted: February 4, 2013 by ShortTimer in Government, Guns, Liberty, Second Amendment

Update: Utinni!

Update 2: If this has you fired up, especially with the push still on for gun control, write your reps.  House, senate, or alternately Ruger has a helpful tool here to write them all.

Update 3: Crimefightin’ Katie Pavlich has a bit of Bill Steven’s speech transcribed:

“You want to take my rights are away, lets go to court.  But criminals and tyrants, tyrants especially, beware. Lockdown is not an option at the Stevens residence and 911 will be dialed after the security of my home has been established. Why is that same security my daughter enjoys at home with her dad not available at school in Newtown? That is what you should be considering, not making her dad a criminal. Charlton Heston made the phrase ‘from my cold dead hands famous’ and I will tell you here today, you will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands.”


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