Army Hero MSG Mark Allen and Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl

Posted: June 3, 2014 by ShortTimer in Afghanistan, Heroes, United States Army, US Military

Bowe Bergdahl deserted and lived with the Taliban for 5 years.  At best he’s a deserter.  From many, if not most, stories – he’s a traitor – as there are reports from Special Operations forces members already of how activity in the AOR he disappeared from suddenly got more deadly as he taught the Taliban/AQ better ways to kill US troops.

As more of the information came in, my unit, along with others in the community, simply stopped looking for him.  As for the videos of Bergdahl in military and Afghan attire, we were privy to analyze and dissect all of the “unedited” video.  We realized that he had vowed to help the Afghan people (meaning Taliban), and teach them tactics he had learned through his training.  As for what he may have taught them, we are not sure, but we can say that American casualties and the amount of attacks in the area did increase following his capture.

Army MSG Mark Allen was another of the many soldiers on many missions who went out looking for a lost American – who went searching for a fellow soldier – but what he got for his efforts was a bullet to the brain.

MSG Allen’s wife would like people to meet her husband:

“Meet my husband, injuries directly brought to you by the actions of this traitor. He can’t give an account of what went down, because he can no longer speak. Now, which guy is a ‘hero’ again?!? Sick.”

msg mark allen and family

A more detailed description of what Bergdahl’s desertion inflicted on MSG Allen and his family:

Sergeant 1st Class Mark Allen of Bravo Company, 48th Brigade Combat Team of the Georgia Army National Guard was critically wounded south of Kabul in Afghanistan on July 8, 2009. He had been in Afghanistan for one month, after serving in Iraq for nearly a year. SFC Allen was engaged in a furious firefight with the enemy when he was struck by sniper fire. The sniper’s bullet pierced his armored helmet and passed through the frontal lobe of his brain.

SFC Allen suffered a massive trauma stroke not long after sustaining the gunshot wound. A craniotomy (removing part of his skull) was immediately performed in Afghanistan to relieve pressure on his brain and make room for swelling. He was then transferred to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany the following morning where another craniotomy was performed to ensure minimal damage from swelling. The majority of his frontal lobe and part of his parietal lobe were removed to save his life. On Sunday, July 12th, he arrived at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

Mark is transferred to the James A Haley Veteran’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida in August of 2009. He has been rehabilitating there for more than two years. He is unable to talk or walk, and requires 24-hour care. He has limited use of his right hand, but no purposeful movement in any other extremities. Mark is very aware of his surroundings, has retained memories and recognizes his loved ones. He laughs and smiles when something is funny, he cries when he’s upset. He is able to follow commands with his right hand, hold objects, use his fingers to indicate numbers, and can correctly nod his head to answer questions most of the time.

msg mark allen

MSG Mark Allen is a hero who selflessly went out to rescue a fellow American soldier from a fanatical enemy known for beheading those they capture.  He did his duty from Iraq to Afghanistan, and his life was destroyed and nearly lost on a rescue mission – a rescue mission to save a deserter who abandoned his post and sympathized with the enemy.

At least six died for the deserter Bergdahl, and many more lives were devastated, like the lives of MSG Mark Allen and his family.

afghanistan 6 lost due to bergdahl

Update 2: Not going to put this above MSG Allen, but worth seeing.  Via Drudge, from UK Daily Mail:

 A captured American soldier is training Taliban fighters bomb-making and ambush skills, according to one of his captors and Afghan intelligence officials.

Private Bowe Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan and is thought to be the only U.S. serviceman in captivity.

The 24-year-old has converted to Islam and now has the Muslim name Abdullah, one of his captors told The Sunday Times.

A Taliban deputy district commander in Paktika, who called himself Haji Nadeem, told the newspaper that Bergdahl taught him how to dismantle a mobile phone and turn it into a remote control for a roadside bomb.

Nadeem claimed he also received basic ambush training from the U.S. soldier.

Update: Bergdahl the traitor, again.

…Afghans from a nearby village say: “There’s an American here looking for someone who speaks English so he can talk to the Taliban.”

The search for Bergdahl put troops in a vulnerable position. Attacks increased as U.S. movements became easier for the Taliban to predict, Bergdahl’s angry fellow soldiers said, speaking out for the first time now that he had been rescued.

And of course there’s Bergdahl’s father, the radical convert, with his pro-terrorist tweets sent to terrorist website Voice of Jihad:


Update 3: Joint Chiefs is saying Bergdahl will be investigated for desertion.

  1. LadyRavenSDC says:

    Reblogged this on LadyRaven's Whisky In A Jar – OH!.

  2. Reblogged this on disturbeddeputy and commented:
    I believe Bergdahl is a traitor. I see no evidence to the contrary.

  3. […] MSG Mark Allen was another of the many soldiers on many missions who went out looking for Bergdahl but what he got for his efforts was a “bullet” to the […]

  4. Your husband was shot fighting the Taliban, he did his duty if you believe the US was right in this war and deployment, as such you besmirch his heroism by laying the blame on Bergdahl.

    As if by implication your husband wouldn’t have fought the Taliban if it weren’t in rescue or recovery operations. The Taliban were considered the enemy, it matters little if he was fighting them for Bergdahl or to defend Kamdesh.

    We are bereft because you and your children are deprived of their father, 100% fit, I’m not American and I can’t be as patriotic as you guys are, but I can be saddened by every death and injury any forces suffer.

  5. […] Source: Army Hero MSG Mark Allen and Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl | The Patriot Perspective […]

  6. Salute Mark Allen

    Lewis B. Sckolnick
    Leverett MA USA

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