Maryland’s AWB Gun Ban HB 294 Opposed 40-1

Posted: March 2, 2013 by ShortTimer in First Amendment, Government, Guns, Media, Second Amendment

From the Capital Gazette:

Opponents of Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gun control plan outnumbered advocates 40-to-1 at a hearing many lawmakers called the longest they had ever seen.

Two House committees began the hearing around 12:15 p.m. Friday and listened to testimony until 3:45 a.m. on Saturday. The Senate passed gun control legislation Thursday.

While about 300 people showed up for a rally in support of House Bill 294, more than 1,300 signed up to testify against the bill. Just 34 signed up to testify for the bill, said Del. Peter Hammen, D-Baltimore City, chair of the House Health and Government Operations Committee.

While it looks like he may have meant to say 4 to 1 opposed, from the pictures it looks like a decided amount of support for (because they rarely took pictures of those opposing the bill).  From other sources as well, the numbers were closer to 40-1 opposed.

Maryland’s gun control debate drew more than 2,000 people to Annapolis on Friday as the House of Delegates took up the governor’s bill to ban the sale of assault weapons and impose some of the nation’s strictest licensing requirements.

People arrived as early as 7 a.m., and some stayed into the night as testimony went past 3 a.m. More than 1,300 people signed up to testify at the House hearing on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposal, overwhelmingly against it. A mid morning rally to support the plan drew a crowd that State House officals estimated at 1,000 people.

The only people interviewed are those who are for it with the usual nonsense and “zomg!1!! it’s for teh children!  ban everything!”

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